I have to thank my first "fan" on here for liking my stuff, you're awesome dude! Thank you!
And now to business.
I am seriously sick and tired of the traditional Social Media Platforms and their fucked up censorship of the world. They silence creators who have original ideas and they stifle opinions, driving them underground and into becoming more seriously strong than they were previously.
I'm currently facing the shitter for my opinions on Facebook and OH NO I'm on my last alt account, just teetering on the brink of being banned permanently from the platform
And I'm not happy with that at all
My Twitter is on its last life after upsetting a person who doesn't like how certain fish reproduce and telling an Atheist who rolled over for a religion that loves its peas that he was a coward and deserved what he gets for doing this.
So I'm gonna be soon nuked from the two mainstays of social media and attempting to begin again - which won't be fun at all as I've ditched places like dA for here and Pixiv.
Oh well
It'll be fun to see how this continues though, you can only push a people so far until they break...